Cross View Realty
Nestled between two New York State regulated-wetlands, this thirty-six (36) lot residential subdivision involved the extension of a town road and creation of multiple stormwater treatment and detention facilities designed to maintain existing site runoff patterns to the maximum extent possible.
Developing a Strong Community
Situated on roughly 132 acres of land with frontage on three public roads, the Cross View Realty subdivision features 36 single-family residential lots with over 4,600 linear feet of town road.
Following a moratorium on residential subdivisions, MNTM worked with Cross View Realty to develop a cluster or conservation subdivision in accordance with the recently adopted zoning amendments. We worked closely with the Town of Wallkill Planning Board to develop a subdivision that would serve as an example for all future subdivisions prepared in the town.
MNTM developed a subdivision plan that connects an existing dead end road to another public thoroughfare, eliminating the necessity of a long, dead end cul-de-sac. Met with strong public opposition from the residents on the existing roadways, MNTM and Cross View Realty worked closely with the Town of Wallkill Planning Board to mitigate many of the concerns of the public while preserving the maximum number of lots permitted.
With a rolling terrain, the site required multiple stormwater treatment and detention basins to comply with the current NYSDEC General Permit (GP 0-08-001) for stormwater runoff. Through careful planning and site design, MNTM was able to minimize the number of basins and storm sewer infrastructure to make sure the project was financially viable.
MNTM has continued to work on this subdivision following the preliminary approval from the Planning Board. Approvals from the Orange County Department of Public Works for the proposed entrance from the county road and the Orange County Department of Health for the design of the wells and septic systems (realty subdivision) have been obtained. MNTM continues to work with the NYSDEC for the approval of the stream crossing permit over the protected stream on the project site.