ALTA/NSPS Land Title Survey
An ALTA survey depicts the exact location of existing improvements at your site, ensuring there are no surprises that affect your land use or property value.
Accuracy and Dependability
An ALTA survey is a survey prepared by a licensed land surveyor following detailed standards adopted by the American Land Title Association (ALTA) and American Congress of Surveying and Mapping (ACSM). An ALTA survey maps the property’s boundaries, the location of any improvements on the property, including structures, fences, utility lines, pathways, roads, etc., the names of adjacent property owners, and the location of all access, utility and other easements recorded against the property. The precise contents of the ALTA survey depends on the requirements of the lending company. The minimum ALTA/NSPS land title survey requirements are provided in the following link. The required contents of the survey are specified in Table A of the Minimum Standard Detail Requirements for ALTA/NSPS Land Title Surveys previously linked.
An ALTA survey differs from a regular boundary survey in the accuracy and detail necessary to meet the ALTA/NSPS standards. These standards are intended to provide consistency by requiring land surveyor’s to meet specific technical and conceptual standards. Technical standards relate to the accuracy and precision to which the land survey is performed. Conceptual content and performance standards specify the requirements for reporting monumentation.

Achieving even the minimal ALTA land survey standards requires a time commitment and skill level not found in every surveying company. Due to our own impeccable standards, the professionals at MNTM are more than up to the task and are able to meet these requirements with ease.