Camp Chaviva
This existing summer camp facility was updated to increase the capacity of the camp, including expansion of the bunk houses, construction of a gymnasium, and improvements to the water and sewer systems.
Upgrading and Expanding.
The project site is an ±87 acre parcel located in Ulster County. MNTM completed analysis of the existing water and sewer facilities serving the site using historical information from the Ulster County Department of Health (UCDOH). A survey of the existing site improvements was completed and used to determine the existing camp capacity. Our team completed several iterations of site plans, including the obtaining the necessary municipal review and approvals for the summer camp as they continued to grow.
To provide adequate water supply for the updated camp, our engineers completed water quality and quantity testing for the development of a new well. We also completed a detailed analysis of the two existing water treatment systems serving the site. Analysis of the facilities included 4-log calculation for free chlorine residual within the treatment system and proposed improvements to the treatment system to meet the required water quality standards. The plans were reviewed and approved by the Ulster County Department of Health (UCDOH).
As part of the water system upgrades, the client renovated all plumbing fixtures in the existing buildings to be consistent with current UCDOH and New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) standards for new, low-flow fixtures. By applying this “water saving fixtures” credit, we were able to accommodate the construction of two additional 2,200 square foot bunk houses without expanding the existing sand filter sewage disposal system.
The client wished to redesign the existing sewage disposal system to double the maximum number of campers accommodate future expansion. The proposed design flows required revisions to the camp’s SPDES permit. Due to the age of the existing sand filters, the existing system was abandoned entirely and an upgraded facility designed. We worked closely with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) to complete the design of a new single-pass sand filter system. The over-designed system allowed the client the ability to increase the camp capacity without required subsequent revisions to the sewer system and SPDES permit.
As the facility expanded, MNTM developed a site plan for a 12,800 square foot gymnasium to serve the camp. The project included the design of a bioretention area to treat stormwater runoff from the proposed gym and a portion of the existing access road. We worked through all the municipal approvals required from the Town of Wawarsing