GT Gardens Bungalow Colony
A new 64-unit bungalow colony designed with on-site sewer and water facilities.
A complex complex.
The GT Gardens Bungalow Colony, located on Mountaindale Road in the Town of Wawarsing, consists of 64 bungalows with associated parking, access roads, recreation facilities, and shul. The development is serviced by on-site sewer and water facilities.
During the approval process the Town of Wawarsing zoning was revised, eliminating bungalow colonies as a permitted use within the designated zoning district. Together with the applicant’s attorney, MNTM negotiated the grandfathering of the project under the previously-applicable zoning regulations, thereby allowing design to continue and approvals to ultimately be granted for the 64 unit complex.
Our team was involved in detailing all aspects of the site plan, including the roadway design, building locations, site grading, storm sewer, water, and sewer layouts.
With an excess of 3,900 linear feet of looped roadway and a boulevard entrance to serve the project site, the design of treatment and detention practices was no easy task! Our engineers were able to design a combination of runoff reduction practices (bioretention basins) and standard treatment practices (stormwater ponds) to meet then-current NYSDEC regulations.
MNTM completed all onsite testing, some in the middle of the winter, for the design of subsurface septic systems. Due to extreme space constraints, the proposed sewage disposal systems were designed as Eljen In-drain septic systems. The designs were completed in accordance with NYSDOH and NYSDEC regulations and received all necessary State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) permits.
Despite drilling four (4) bedrock wells, the original well driller and outside consulting hydrogeologist were unable to obtain an adequate water supply for the site. After several unsuccessful attempts to find water, the project was on the verge of being cancelled. MNTM worked closely with the Ulster County Department of Health (UCDOH) and another local well driller to solve the water supply issue. We coordinated the development the existing wells, including drilling a fifth well on the site, to provide the water supply required and ultimately revive the project. MNTM completed all of the well testing (pump testing and water sampling) associated with the re-developed wells and analyzed the results. Our engineers then designed the treatment system for the water, including: storage tank layout, booster pumps, and water main system to serve the future residents. Multi-stage booster pumps were selected to provide adequate water pressure during periods of high and low water demand. The water treatment and distribution system was approved by and received approval from the UCDOH for the quantity and quality of the water to serve the site.
Due to the persistence of the applicant and MNTM’s ability to work with local and state agencies, this complex project was able to overcome several major hurdles during the approval process.
The project is under construction and MNTM continues to provide stormwater inspections and construction stakeout for the project.
Town of Wawarsing, Ulster County
Residential Site Development
Boundary survey, Topographic survey, Site plan, Roadway design, SWPPP, Subsurface septic system design, SPDES permit, Water well development, Water well testing, Community water system design, Water treatment system design, Booster pump design, Water main design