Creamery Valley Estates

A twenty-nine (29) lot residential subdivision with nearly one mile of town-dedicated roadway.

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Preserving the Past

Located on a 200+ acre parcel in the Town of Goshen, the project involved the subdivision of the ±101 acres on the northwesterly side of NYS Route 17A. The remaining ±115 acres was retained for potential future development. With over 100 feet in elevation difference on the site, particular focus was spent on the proposed grading to balance the amount of cut / fill at the site. The project was designed as an Open Space Development with approximately 50% of the project area (50 acres) preserved in a permanent conservation easement.


To access the proposed development, we completed the design of over 4,900 linear feet of public road in accordance with Town of Goshen Highway specifications. A micropool extended detention basin and grassed swale were designed in accordance with the current NYSDEC General Permit (GP 0-08-001) for the treatment and detention of stormwater runoff. MNTM facilitated the approval of a NYSDEC wetland crossing and buffer disturbance permit in order develop a large portion of the project site.   


Despite the substantial amount of grading required, we were able to design the proposed road and stormwater facilities to minimize the amount of material leaving the site. The balanced design saved the client from the unnecessary costs associated with trucking in fill or trucking out excess excavated material.


MNTM completed the design of all proposed sewage disposal systems, including over 60 deep test pits and equally as many percolation tests. We also completed additional joint testing with the Orange County Department of Health (OCDOH). Due to variety of onsite soils, the proposed systems ranged from in-ground absorption trench to gravelless absorption trench sewage disposal systems. Due to the results of water quality testing for the sample wells drilled at the site, the sewage disposal systems were designed to accommodate the additional flows associated with a water treatment system.


In order to meet the client’s construction schedule the final site plan was revised to include three phases. Phase 1 was permitted and approved separately in order install the main infrastructure and begin construction on individual lots. Phases 2 & 3 were approved together to complete the remaining development.
Construction of a majority of the roads within the subdivision are complete and construction of several homes are underway.  MNTM remains involved by providing the required stormwater inspections and construction stakeout for the proposed improvements.


Town of Goshen, Orange County




Boundary Survey, Topographic Survey, Development Sketch Plan, SWPPP, Septic System Design, Wetland Permit, As-Built Survey, Construction stakeout